Eternal Families

Over at By Common Consent, a discussion is ensuing regarding the eternal family. I’ve always had a bit o’ difficulty with the use of the phrase “families can be forever”. Let me explain.

I am sealed to my parents. As such, I am supposed to be able to live with them in the Celestial Kingdom. I am sealed to my wife. As such, I am supposed to be able to live with her in the Celestial Kingdom. I am sealed to my children. As such, I am supposed to be able to live with them in the Celestial Kingdom. The same will happen with grandchildren, great-grandchildren, etc, as well as grandparents, great-parents etc (so long as they accept the work that has been done for them).

The premise then is that we will all live together in one place. When you take into consideration how everyone is related potentially to each other and can trace lineages back to Adam, everyone will be living together as one big forever family.

Now consider the thought that we apparently will be gods and goddesses over our own worlds. If each couple is reigning over their own world, how can all of the couple be living together as one big eternal family?

Sometimes, I wonder if the sealing is more than simply linking parents to children. Sometimes, I wonder if it is more a way to seal our exaltation.