Sister missionaries focus on modesty with style

The guidelines for sister missionaries — when it comes to what they wear during their 18 months teaching the gospel — suggest modest, simple clothing.

They say nothing about dowdy.

In fact, wearing clothes that feel good and look good can actually boost a woman’s spirits and help her be more successful.

“We have a quote on the wall about how nice clothes and self-confidence go together,” Jenny Theobald said. “I believe that is absolutely true. When you feel good about yourself, it’s easier to share yourself.”

Read the full story at MormonTimes

3 thoughts on “Sister missionaries focus on modesty with style

  1. I wonder why Mormon Times publishes long advertisements for a merchant and calls it news or lifestyle, or whatever they do call it? It’s advertising, with no help or advice for someone who wants to dress modestly and in style other than “come buy from us.”

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