How I define heaven might surprise you

When you hear the word “heaven?”, what comes to mind?

Do you envision heaven and hell as two different places—one for the righteous and one for the wicked—as the traditional Christian belief tends to be?

Perhaps you interpret “heaven” as it appears in the scriptures to mean the paradise in the Spirit World.

Or maybe you think “heaven” equates with Celestial Kingdom.

Here’s what I think, and let me know if you happen to believe this, too.

When I hear the word “heaven”, this is what comes to mind. To me, “heaven” refers to all the degrees of glory: celestial, terrestrial, and telestial.

The way I see it is that if the vast majority of people who have lived on this earth will inherit one of the degrees of glory, then it seems they will be better off than life here on earth.

Defining “heaven” as including all three degrees of glory also makes the concept of heaven more universal, and a universal heaven is something I can get behind.

How about you? How do you define “heaven”?

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