Billionaires become rich on the backs of the poor

The only way to become a billionaire is on the backs of poor people.

If you own a company and make your billions on profits from that company, it’s because you didn’t pay your workers enough. Profit is the difference between what you charge your customers and what you pay your employees (plus additional operating expenses).

If you have profit, it’s because you charged your customers more for your product than you paid your employees to produce that product. You consider your product to have more value than what you’re willing to pay your employees to produce that product. That’s stealing.

If you make your billions on real estate, it’s because you’re charging your tenants too much. The only way you can make money on real estate is charging your tenants more than the residence is worth. You charge them more than you pay in mortgage, interest, taxes, and cost of maintenance and pocket the difference. That’s stealing.

There are few examples of people being rich that don’t involve those two scenarios. Inheritance even involves these scenarios because it requires that the bequeather had taken advantage of these scenarios. Investing involves these scenarios because it requires that the investor had taken advantage of these scenarios to invest in the so called high interest market.

There’s no point in having money that you can’t ever spend in your lifetime. Especially when others can’t afford to eat or to live in a house.