Right-wing politics have hijacked Mormonism

Right-wing politics have hijacked Mormonism

When people find out that I’m religiously Mormon and politically radical left, they are taken aback. Mormons think I’m not Mormon enough, even labelling me as heathen, apostate, or lacking testimony. Leftists call me hypocritical for supporting a conservative religion, one with a racist, sexist, and homophobic past (and present even).

My religious beliefs have changed over the years. I’m far from your typical Mormon. I have easily dismissed traditions and cultural artefacts of right-wing Protestantism found within modern-day Mormonism. And I’ve found that Mormon scripture often coincides with my political stances, even if Mormons in general dismiss those scriptures in practice or belief.

Here are a few examples to illustrate:

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Actually, “genocide” is the right term

Actually, “genocide” is the right term

The National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls was released in June 2019. It’s over 1,000 pages long and comes in 2 volumes.

Even though it has 231 calls for justice, people got hung up on the report’s use of the word genocide. Critics of the term argue that since Indigenous people in Canada weren’t rounded up into concentration camps and executed by the millions, as was done to Jewish people and others during the Holocaust, we can’t use genocide to refer to Indigenous experience. They also say that what happened to Indigenous people doesn’t parallel the Rwandan genocide, another reason to not use the word.

Except these critics are wrong.

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