179th Annual General Conference open thread

Please post your thoughts and impressions from this weekend’s conference.

Don’t forget the related thread on who will fill the vacancy in the 12 left by Elder Wirthlin’s passing.

Follow conference on Twitter.

55 thoughts on “179th Annual General Conference open thread

  1. Elder Didier gave the prayer. The first time I met him when he created the Mesquite Nevada Stake in 1994, while I was stationed there on my mission.

  2. Neil L. Anderson is the new apostle, as I implied in yesterday’s post. If the trend to call apostles from the Presidency of the Seventy continued, it won’t be long before we see an apostle from South America.

  3. Joseph Sitati is the first black African to be called to the First Quotum of the Seventy. Looking forward to his talk at October conference.

  4. Elder Ballard: commandments of God are taking a beating. We need to decide to ignore the bad decisions of predecessors and learn for ourselves or learn from their experiences to avoid their bad choices.

  5. Elder Pearson: we can give our children material possessions, but we don’t give them faith, we give them nothing.

  6. Elder Scott: those living near temple should plan to go to the temple as diligently as those who have to plan far in advance.

  7. Elder Nelson: public prayers should be short and formal; we should say an audible amen when we agree with what has been said.

  8. Elder Yoon Hwan Choi, Elder Brent H. Nielson, Elder Dale G. Renlund, Elder Michael T. Ringwood, Elder Joseph W. Sitati are the ones newly called to the First Quorum of Seventy. We will hear from them in the October conference.

  9. Elder Snow is the second speaker from the presidency of the 70.

    1. Follow the prophets
    2. Keep an eternal perspective
    3. Have faith
    4. Be of good cheer
  10. I really liked the Sunday am session, particularly Pres. Uchtdorf’s focus on the power of what Christ has done. (New) Elder Anderson’s reminder that we don’t have a monopoly on righteousness was also refreshing.

    But I’d characterize the montage during the final hymn as cheesy and unnecessary. Save that sort of thing for posthumous tributes shown between sessions. Coupled with that atrocious “Brand New Year” thing they tried for the youth, it makes me wonder who’s running the A/V show.

  11. I’m not saying the montage was necessary, but I still think it was lovely. As Mary said though, having the montage perpetuates the idea that “We Thank Thee O God For a Prophe”t is about prophets.

  12. Now Elder Stevenson’s talking about the temple. Maybe there’s a message here. Maybe I need to take the temple more seriously.

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