How to become more cultured and why you should

This guest post is written by Kate Harveston, a writer and political activist from Pennsylvania. She blogs about culture and politics, and the various ways that those elements act upon each other. For more of her work, you can follow her on Twitter or subscribe to her blog, Only Slightly Biased.

So this may have been hanging around on your new year’s resolutions list for a couple of years, but how important is it to become more cultured?

In short, probably one of the most important things you can do for yourself!

Becoming more cultured and broadening your horizons is actually more important than many of us might realize, deserving more heed than a noncommittal “I’ll do this once the essential stuff is done.”

Being cultured means being educated and insightful. It could mean being well-read, maintaining an interest in classic films, or developing a well-trained eye for appreciating art in its many forms. To be cultured also means to be educated about the world, to understand the dynamics and politics in foreign countries as well as domestically, and to compassionately comprehend what seems to be unfamiliar and far away.

So how do we become more cultured and why?

Read more

This shouldn’t feel like a chore! And if it does, it’s time to break it down to basics:

  • Classic novels are there for a reason, and while you should aim to read at least one classic novel per year, they can be overwhelming. So, start off with something you actually enjoy.
  • Choose a genre such as philosophy, poetry, politics, or history and pick a book recommended by critics, friends, or family.
  • Once you feel you’ve become considerably better read in a field, move on to another genre of similar interest.
  • In the meantime, subscribing to a well-reputed magazine detailing general knowledge and news is a helpful way to cover all bases. Do not underestimate the importance of international news.
  • Respond to the culture by following up on research with any questions you have, visit a local library or museum to gain insight into your chosen topic, and maybe even write about it!

Watch and listen to better films and TV

This may come more naturally to us, but instead of picking the standard Hollywood slapstick comedies or a reality TV show, go for something where you have a better chance of being intellectually challenged.

  • Foreign films and TV are excellent ways of tuning into the intricacies of another culture without physically going there, but you can also become more cultured by connecting with people who perhaps came from other countries.
  • Commit to documentaries, true story dramatizations, and highly revered stories of our time. Become educated through your entertainment — perhaps you can supplement your chosen reading genre with film and TV episodes?
  • Vlogs and podcasts can also fall under this genre; travel vloggers in particular are thoroughly fascinating and their stories provide an entry into another culture or country which otherwise may not be accessible to you immediately.
  • Understanding politics and the struggles of groups other than your own is an important aspect of being cultured too. Try visiting feminist sites, reading about the experiences of other races, or becoming involved with LGBTQ advocacy efforts online and in your community. Empathy and understanding is an important aspect of being open-minded and analytical.

Get a hobby

This is a big one. How about restarting your violin lessons or your speech and drama classes? Hobbies connect us with the world and provide an otherwise hidden segue into a deeper human experience.

  • Take up yoga. It may connect us on a universal level, and many types actively practice embracing peaceful cultures and equality. Needless to say, you’ll also feel calmer and get a rock-hard core.
  • Art class or live drawing reconnects us to a creative energy, which is great for coping with negative emotions and stresses. Art itself is a universal language that can generate a deeper interest in the world itself.
  • Learn a language. Yes, English is widely spoken, but what about all the books, media, entertainment, and insights you’re missing out on because of that language barrier? Learning a new language can be a cultural eye-opener, and there are plenty of apps and programs available nowadays that help you do so easily from the comfort of your own home.

Becoming more cultured connects us deeper to the world around us, the history that got us here, and to other people. Through education, we also rid ourselves of intolerance stemming from ignorance of other cultures, and the above steps can help us to learn more about what we each truly care about on an individual basis.