Easter reminds us of the 3 salvations

To my fellow Christians, as you commemorate Easter Sunday today, may you remember not only that Jesus offered salvation from sin and salvation from death, but also that he offered salvation from oppression and inequality.

Jesus taught of a new fold, a new body, a new kingdom, one founded on egalitarianism. But it will only come to pass through Christian discipleship.
Real discipleship, where we follow the example Jesus has set for us.

Reading scripture doesn’t make us Christian. Praying doesn’t make us Christian. Going to church doesn’t make us Christian. Being like Christ is what makes a Christian. After all, Jesus said, “Follow me”.

That salvation from oppression and inequality will only come about through our labour, through our doing what he has asked: mourn with others, love others, and improve the material conditions of those who society has marginalized.

Jesus’s gospel is a gospel of liberation, but that liberation must come through our actions. Particularly our collective actions.

Easter Sunday isn’t just about resurrection. It’s also about hope—hope in a new society where everyone is treated equally, everyone has their material needs taken care of, and we love one another.